Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Wii Fit tells me I am overweight.

Upon going to Target randomly on my day off yesterday while waiting for Mallory to finish her laundry, I happened across a Wii Fit, something I didn't think I would see for a long time, as they sell out insanely fast. So of course I bought it.

Apparently, not only have I not lost any weight at all since I've been here (I was under the impression I'd at least lost a couple of pounds just eating right), but my approximate Wii Fit age is 38, but then again I had the board turned the wrong way so I screwed up all the balance tests. Either way, I spent a good portion of my day today (I don't have anything to do until the show call at 730 PM) sweating and playing video games, which somehow feels dignified because my legs are sore.

I went to one of the other equity theatres in the area, Door Shakespeare, for their production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, which I have never seen or read before, but ended up having a great time as the actors were really great. The set is actually just a tree and a field, there is no stage, but for this particular play it really worked well.
Afterwards, me, Joe and Neil ended up going to a bonfire with actors from all of the different theatres, some from Door Shakes, some from AFT, and a few professional bluegrass musicians who teach at the Bluegrass Academy that is apparently here as well. It was a great time, and I met some really cool people. The music was amazing and we just stayed up by the bonfire drinking and hanging out until like 3 in the morning. So a bunch of them are going to come see the show tonite and probably hang out afterwards, so that should be fun, even though I may be nervous as I'll feel the need to deliver after their great show last night.

Other than that, the only thing that is weird at this point is how to spend my free time. So far I've been switching between reading The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama to Devil in the White City, learning HTML, working on my website, reediting my voiceover demos, going on bike rides, to learning some new songs on the piano, and brushing up on monologues. It gets pretty boring actually when most everyone is either in rehearsal for the next show going up next wednesday (Rumors) or working in the offices and shops, and sometimes I will just go bug people.

I really miss Chicago a lot and everyone there and want to get back to visit at least soon, if not try to set up some auditions or something. At the moment my plan is to drive back after the show is done on October 19th to Chicago, drop my stuff off, stop in Pittsburgh to visit Joy at Point Park, then get back to Virginia and drop the car off, maybe stay for a couple of days and then fly back to Chi. I am debating taking a California trip for a week after halloween if nothing turns up right away on the job front. Also, David Thigpen told me about potentially going to India with him and some other people in January, so I'm debating it because why the hell not?

Also, the new Watchmen trailer looks HOT, and I am looking forward to Pineapple Express coming out. Also I am not sure about it, but they are coming out with a Max Payne movie starring Mark Wahlburg. I love the games, but I don't know what I think about him as Max Payne.

1 comment: said...


if you end up going to india, i am going to be SO FUCKING JEALOUS...

glad to see things are going well for you, man. we all miss you here at the donors forum, where the fun never starts.

