Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Secret Santas and Dark Knights.

This weekend begins a Peninsula Players tradition, Christmas in July. A three day, gift giving, practical joke making extravaganza up to $25, or more if you feel generous. In order to receive your gift, you must do whatever your Secret Santa decides you should do. There should be one gift per day. Ideally, Friday and Saturday are gifts and pranks and songs that people have to sing and outfits that people are forced to wear, and Sunday involves a show of sorts, along with partying every night. The place will be adorned with Christmas decorations and people will be wearing and doing ridiculous things throughout the weekend. Multiple people can get in on one person's idea, and people are often recruited to do small tasks, like ten people giving one person two cans of Dr. Pepper after they sing a song, thus resulting in said person having to hold a boatload of soda. It's fun and lighthearted and often hilarious. Today, for instance, we were all given little pieces of flair to pin on Mallory, so when she walked into the Lounge she was barricaded with people pinning things to her shirt, which she will wear around for the rest of the day:

<---We were greeted by this at Lunch today as well, Eric in a pleather girdle ringing the Lunch Bell and welcoming us to lunch. Needless to say, I'm curious to see what else will be going down this weekend. My victim will be forced to dress up in Chippendale's outfit and paint peoples' toenails in bright red and white. I had Joe Foust help me out with this one, as he pretty much knows everyone here and was the go to person for this. I am assuming because I am the new guy of the group that I will not be in for some of the more crazy stuff, but you never know. Today was pretty light as I just had to find anyone who lived on E Deck housing and ask them if they had "Anything Special in Your Pants" and was given a small notebook when I found the right person. Michael said he might be coming down for the weekend but possibly won't be able to make it, which would be fine because he would be right in the middle of all this.

Strangely enough, I was already pranked this week by my best friend/former roommate Bill. Our other best friend from High School, Tom, is currently in Las Vegas learning how to hypnotize people. Bill's sister, Jenny, also happens to be in Vegas Associate Producing for a reality show they are filming there. I figured they would meet up, but through a series of text messages and some very convincing arguing, Bill convinced me that Tom and Jenny had either gotten wasted or that Tom had somehow hypnotized her into getting married in one of those cheap Vegas places. He must have had me going for like twenty minutes, complete with, "she called me balling her eyes out, I don't know what to do" to "My dad is so pissed about it, he's blaming me for it", meanwhile I am repeatedly saying, "You are shitting me. No freaking way", until I believed him, only realizing what an idiot I was when he finally said "so you think I have a shot at getting married to Tom's sister?" I will get you back for that Bill. Mark my words.

So finally, I must discuss the Dark Knight. Although I won't go into too much detail for those who haven't seen it, it was incredible. I was blown away, and I repeatedly found myself with my jaw hanging loose. Heath Ledger's performance was electrifying. The tension kept building and building, and that movie must have been almost three hours but I was there every second of the way and didn't want to leave. The hilarious part being that it was raining sideways before the movie and everyone in line got soaked, including a surprising number of Wisconsinites that didn't think somehow that the Dark Knight would sell out. I must have seen 20 people run through this intense rain coming down in sheets only to get up to the doors and be like "SOLD OUT?! WHAT?!" What the hell did these people expect?? It's the Dark Knight for Christ's sake. It's been sold out in Chicago for weeks ahead of time. I got my ticket early last week and was surprised I was able to do that. I guess people don't expect that many people in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin to be that into Batman. Well, they were sadly mistaken, and soaked. (I avoided this by letting some other people stand in the rain while me, Joe and Eric stood underneath the cover provided by the lip of the roof close to the building. We felt sort of bad but then everyone else realized they could still form a line up against the building and followed our example, but only after being drenched and frozen for half an hour. Whoops.) I will see the Dark Knight at least once if not twice more in theatres, especially at the Drive in theatre mere miles away.

I am currently reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy, also author of No Country For Old Men. I found out recently that there will be a movie version of the book released in November starring Viggo Mortensen, which will probably be badass, as the book is haunting and yet endearing. It's a quick read, and I should be done with it soon. It is now time for dinner, so I will go see what crazy shit people are being made to wear and do.

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