Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I am a Victory Gardens Poster.

My friend Will contacted me about three months ago to pose for a series of Victory Gardens posters as a new marketing campaign, so I got paid to dress up like a stoner complete with a headband, aviators, makeup to make me look stoned, and a an actual hippie vintage shirt that actually smelled like old hippie B.O. I did a bunch of poses where I looked stoned out of my mind (the makeup helped because I could barely open my eyes) but apparently they went with the one where I look incredibly gay. See photo.
So, for the upcoming season, you will see my face for this particular show, which is pretty ridiculous.

Today was the first day we have off, which is cool except that the only day we have off being a Monday, it won't exactly be great to go travel somewhere for a day trip or back to Chicago. Monday has never been a cool travel day.

So, I just got a few things done, including getting my ticket for the Dark Knight midnight showing this Thursday. Boom! Michael showed me a particularly badass looking trailer for it including a glimpse of Two Face near the end. So hot.

So, one lazy laundry day, and back to rehearsal. I've only been here a week, but it feels like much longer. But I've been making some connections with people and really getting to talk to people about how they started out acting in Chicago, and it's just great to hear that everyone goes through rough times even when they are currently established and successful. I will post some pictures of the place soon, I've just been lazy about it.

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