Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Return of Beerman and Two Days in Chicago.

The intern boathouse party was held last night, and the theme was superheroes and villains. So of course I was Beerman once again.

However, I improved upon the design of the suit, including adding a functional helmet that holds two beers and one of those hooks that people use for their keys and mountain climbing to the front of the suit which would hold a beer stein. I made a belt that didn't work, but with two beers in my hands I was capable of wearing ten beers on my person at one time!

Clearly I have too much time on my hands.

The party was fun, the girls' side of the boathouse was decorated and had food and a full bar, and the guys' side was decked out with blacklights and turned into a dance room. Everyone seemed to be in a party mood for about an hour and a half however, and eventually I was one of the only people still in my costume, asking people if they wanted a beer, to which they would usually reply, "Dude, why are you still in your costume?" Plus it was hard to dance with it on, and then it broke so eventually I was walking around in a wifebeater and black tights with Miller Lite boxers on. However there were some really inventive costumes and it was a lot of fun.

Earlier in the week I took a trip to Chicago for a couple of days since rehearsals for Sherlock Holmes didn't start until Thursday. It was a great time; I got to see a bunch of people, got margaritas at Mayan Palace, saw Dark Knight in Imax, saw Superior Donuts at Steppenwolf, and played my PS3 at Mike and Kate's, which is where I stayed with Kent and Duke even though Mike and Kate were on vacation, which was nice of them. I also spent a buttload of money as I was finally in a place where there is stuff to do. I also realized that I am currently living in some sort of playland where I don't have to work a shitty job and use public transportation and see hundreds of people every day. Which is what I will be going back to in about two months. Hopefully some sort of oppurtunity will arise and Kent will be able to lock down a sweet apartment, because otherwise I will be right back in the shit of things. However, I am really excited to get back to some sort of normalcy and just be around my friends and get used to the city again, which I think will be easy.

This week people some people start to leave, and even though it's the middle of August, it's already getting colder. But Sherlock Holmes will go up and I am moving up to the actor housing, which means I will have my own bathroom. Sweet.

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