Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Did Not See That Coming, or Chicago has turned me into an awful person.

So I'm sitting in the McDonald's near the Chicago Red line stop, rocking out with the dollar menu, because, you know, I'm poor. And I'm reading a copy of The Ultimates (Avengers) that my buddy Matt Engle lent me. If you don't know, it's the one with Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, etc.

For some back story, the McDonald's at the Chicago Red line stop can be kindof sketchy at any time of day, and by sketchy I mean there are a lot of bums that will be there yelling stuff or asking everyone in the restaurant for money.

After living in Chicago for almost four years now, I have gone from my somewhat philanthropic youth where I would give change to almost anyone who would ask for it (I once was talked into standing in line with a homeless lady to buy her a sub at Quizno's and then she went nuts with the fixins), to my current state, which is I don't give out anything to anyone. It's not that I am filled with hate and apathy (I am), it's just that between GreenPeace and random street vendors and people asking for money for xyz charity and people asking for volunteers for every political candidate in the city and bums and just random people asking you for stuff, I have shut off giving up my time or money to anyone because I am just numb to it at this point. I know when people are going to approach me to ask me to sign something, or give them money, or stand there awkwardly for ten minutes while they talk to me about how they got to this current state in a lot of vague nearly incomprehensible jibberish or do a song or a rap about the person standing next to me and THEN ask for money. I can see it coming a mile away, and nowadays I do everything I can to avoid this awkward interaction because in general, I am in no financial state to be donating any money anyways. (to redeem myself I will occasionally give people change. On occasion.)

SO, there I am, minding my own, reading The Ultimates, when I see this dude walk in. He's very loud and seems to be talking to every person he happens to run into. He is missing most of his teeth, and the ones that are still hanging around aren't doing too well. His clothes are mostly denim, and they are pretty filthy. I am waiting for the moment that he will come talk to me, because I know from the path he is making from person to person around the restaurant, he will inevitably get to me. I continue to read my comic. But I'm not really reading, I'm looking at the same word bubble over and over again but really keeping aware of where this dude is because I know it is only a matter of time before he approaches. I look up from the page for a moment, and this dude is staring RIGHT AT ME. We lock eyes. I resume reading my comic. He starts his approach.

SHIT, I'm thinking. SHIT. There's no way out of this. I prepare a "Sorry man" or a slight shrug of the shoulders and a turning out my pockets mime. And in all honesty, I don't have a dime on me. I have to pay rent, and I have been refraining from pulling out any cash, and I am down to the wire on finances, I really don't have any money right now that isn't spoken for, I mean I'm eating off the frigging dollar menu at McDonald's right now, but still he walks forward. I can almost hear his steps in echoing BOOMS as he walks up.....BOOM...BOOM....BOOM....BOOM............and goes to talk to the guy behind me. PHEW! I think, well there's one awkward moment I won't be having today. I finish up my food and am about to leave when I hear:

"Excuse me."


"Excuse me."

Maybe he's talking to someone else.

"Excuse me."

I'm just going to get up and take my tray and stroll out, he's not talking to me.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. EXCUSE ME!"

"WHAT?!" I snap and turn around.


"Is that the Ultimates?"

.........."Oh. Um, yes."


the dude next to him, a CTA employee: "This guy is the Comic KING!"

"Haha, oh yeah, it's pretty awesome. Well, have a good one!"

I walk out of the restaurant. What has this city done to me?

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