Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Be careful when hitting "reply all"

So, we are shooting a pickup scene for Funemployed (my webseries -- where we are looking for girls to be "arm candy" for a scene where Bill exits a casino after having won a large sum of money. To shorten the emails discussing this search, between the creative team on Funemployed, we just say "hotties". Michael (who directs, writes, and plays 'Jay') sent out an email saying, "we need to look for hotties for the 21st."

To which I responded, "We need a DEFINITE time frame for the hotties and be able to stick to it. Otherwise it will be impossible to get hotties to commit. Lets figure out what that is and stick to it.
-- Ted Evans"

At the same time, a member of the theatre company I am working with on "Jenny and Jenni" sent out an email informing us to contact him to use our complimentary tickets for this upcoming weekend when we open the show. This email went out to everyone in the show, which is about 30 people.

I asked Michael if he saw my email about the hotties time frame situation, and he said no.


When I looked into it I realized my mistake.

Basically, the email discussion between myself and all 30 people on the email list about the comp tickets went like this:

Factory Theatre: "We have some space available for tomorrow night's OPENING NIGHT GALA and we'd like to offer each of you a ticket for tomorrow night's show/party. Please respond to this email no later than 1pm cst. tomorrow Friday, Nov 12th. Tix are subject to availability so the sooner you get yours in, the better."

Me: "We need a DEFINITE time frame for the hotties and be able to stick to it. Otherwise it will be impossible to get hotties to commit. Lets figure out what that is and stick to it.
-- Ted Evans"


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