Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Girl, I really hope that was a weave.

Last night at approximately 2AM, I decided I would go to Ian's Pizza.

Ian's specializes in putting the most random crap on their pizzas, which makes for a late night awesomeness extravaganza. Their staple is the Macaroni and Cheese Pizza, but I've had breakfast burrito pizza, nachos pizza, hamburger pizza, hot dog pizza, chicken fettuccine alfredo pizza, chicken bacon ranch pizza, lasagna pizza, perogi pizza, Chicken taco pizza, philly cheesesteak pizza, tortellini pizza, BBQ chicken pizza, and many many others.

Because of Ian's Pizza's location in the heart of Wrigleyville, and its nature to stay open past the times bars close, this place will have a line out the door around this time, and this line is usually filled with people who are off their ass drunk, or ready to punch someone in the face, or both. I decided to wait in the huge line.

Around five minutes into the line stretching around the edge of the restaurant, a girl from the line ahead of us came back to talk to a girl right in front of me. The girl stumbled over, looking as though she was pulling at gum in her hair. She also looked like Megan Fox, just a lot drunker.

She kept saying to her friend "how did this get in my hair".... or "who put these in my hair".... and I noticed there were tiny little hair clips clinging to her hair, so I figured she may have had her hair up and been so drunk at this point that she forgot she had them in or how to get them out.

This drunk and whiny exchange went on for a few minutes while the girl's friend valiantly tried to help her get the clips out. All of a sudden I noticed a large clump of this girl's hair fly out and hit the ground. WTF. Her friend quickly grabbed it and stuffed it into her pocket. I heard no mention of a weave, nothing was really said about it, but I found myself looking at this girl's hair and being like, there's no way her normal hair is any shorter than this. Was that a weave??? Or was that her actual hair?? Why is it taking so long to get pizza???

I then wondered how many white girls are walking around Wrigleyville with fakeass hair. And I really hope that was a weave, or a hair extension, which I didn't really see the point of this girl needing either, because if it wasn't, she is going to wake up to realize she blacked out and pulled a large chunk of her hair out while waiting in the gigantic line at Ian's Pizza.

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