Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Describing the plots of comics to chicks.

Contrary to popular belief, reading comics in public does not always win over the ladies. However it does weed out all the girls who are not down with zombies or superheroes.

For some reason, while reading comics, I often am asked about what I am reading. Already annoyed by having to tear my eyes from my "adult picture books", I try to sum up whatever I am reading in as short a sentence as possible (after reading this I realize I sound like the comic guy from the simpsons). Describing the plots of comics in detail to chicks often produces a glazed over look in about 30 seconds or less.

"Oh this is called Fables. It's about like every fairytale creature exists in this hidden city in New York. Like Diagon Alley. (get this reference or you suck) They're all centuries old and have united in the city because they had to flee their homelands and now have normal jobs but if they were animals in their original fairy tale story some of them have the ability to look human, so like The Big Bad Wolf is this noir detective named Bigby Wolf and he's a total badass and Prince Charming is a womanizer and Beauty and the Beast are broke and then all sorts of crazy awesome shit happens."

I have never explained Fables in its entirety to a girl who wasn't already into comics.

The problem being that since I have discovered large collections of comic series, I have lost all desire to read normal books, and can often be seen on vehicles of public transportation nerding out at all hours. Y: The Last Man, The Walking Dead, Preacher, 100 Bullets, Fables, Scott Pilgrim, The Losers, Invincible. I have spent hours reading these stories and they are awesome.
Sorry ladies, sorry I am into these insane plot twists and amazing rise and fall of dramatic action combined with compelling characters and hard core drama. Who could resist the intrigue of two superheroes who finally fall in love and bone after something like a couple hundred issues even though it was obvious they should be together from the first one? Or the psychological study of a young boy born into a zombie apocalypse who murders his twin brother because he doesn't understand what death is and has intrinsically turned into a little sociopath? Or the combination of genres blending a story comprised of fantasy, science fiction, romance, comedy, adventure, action, noir, horror, and crime scene investigation into an epic melting pot of awesomeness?

Not me. Not this guy.

So unless you are down with zombies, wizards, superheroes, roller coasters, or other things that are awesome, you need not apply.

Sure ladies, you might say to yourself, "Good. Lord. This guy is such a nerd." And you might be right. But. I also happen to be a dude who is into stuff that rules.


Fortis Theatre Company said...
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Katie said...

Yeah - you're hanging around the wrong girls.

Hjerterud said...

Ever read "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman?
A compromise :)