Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Clash of Manliness.

So the other day I did this intense workout and ate a piece of CHICKEN!!! THAT I MADE ON MY FOREMAN GRILL!!!  ACTUALLY THE FOREMAN IS MY ROOMMATES!!  And then I cuddled with a cat and almost cried at this movie:
It was pretty awesome.  A really sweet love story starring Paul Giamatti, which almost sounds hard to imagine, but it was great and all about life and stuff.  Also hilarious at points.  I was getting off the elevator and this older couple had totally missed the point:  "Jeez, there was just not one funny thing in that movie at all."  "Yeah, next time I'm just going to read a book."  And I wanted to rip my shirt off and be like "HEY OLD PEOPLE!! DID YOU JUST WATCH THE SAME THING I DID?! BECUASE THAT WAS GODDAMNED BEAUTIFUL AND EMOTIONAL AND TEACHES YOU LIFE LESSONS LIKE DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE FOR YOUR WHOLE LIFE BECAUSE YOU MIGHT GET ALZHEIMER'S!!!"  But I didn't because I was too choked up.  The point is it was good.  Watch it sometime.

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