Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Cortiva Graduation speech from Devans.

This might be lame-o, but in case you were wondering what I said during the speech I made at my massage school graduation (they actually didn't know I was speaking apparently), here it is.

Also, the woman who spoke before me used pretty much my same line about how at first a lot of us were timid about undressing to be massaged in class, and how by the end we were all fine with getting naked, so I preempted the speech with:  "I also have a joke in my speech about getting naked, so, there's that."

Congratulations.  You all have superpowers.

I pretty much gave up all hope of this when I turned 18 and nothing happened, and when the chances of being bitten by a radioactive spider or falling into a vat of toxic waste kept becoming increasingly slim.  But those things would probably kill a person, and you can only blame your parents for not possessing superhero genes so much. 

But then about a year ago, I decided to come to the Cortiva Institute of Massage, as did all of you.

I watched as a year flew by, friendships were made, and a wealth of knowledge was endowed upon all of us.

I watched as each of us grew exponentially, discovering this new path we could now embark upon.

I remember a year ago when some of us would go into crying fits at the very mention of having to remove an article of clothing, and how months later those very same people would gladly hop butt naked onto any table you set before them.  With sheets, of course.

I watched as these relationships blossomed, these new and young professionals grew, and saw myself gaining a newfound desire to help as many people as I could.

You all have the ability to heal.  To change people's lives for the better.  And to affect the direction of your own lives as well. 

Will you use these powers for good or evil?

But I know all of us will do great things with the powers that have been bestowed upon us, and will go on to create change in life, whether it is the people around us, or our own. 

And for that, I could not be more thankful.

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