Classic Devans

As my friend Chris pointed out, my website URL makes my name look like Ted Devans. Thus, whenever anything ridiculously funny or intensely awkward happens to me, according to him, it can only be described as Classic Devans. I hope to impart some of that shit that happens here.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spartacus: Blood and Titties.

Fans of intense hyperviolence and boobs rejoice:  there is a show you should probably watch.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand, is an intensely graphic and awesome TV show series developed by the Starz Network.  Retelling the story of Spartacus, this show plays like a mix between Gladiator and 300 with a softcore porn mixed in from time to time, which sounds crappy, but it is highly entertaining and full of great writing and interesting casting choices.  That is, if you ever wondered what it would be like to see the goofy brother from "The Mummy" series be a tyrannical evil slaveowner and gladiator arena owner, or Lucy Lawless be a sexy Mrs. Robinson-esque vixen, or hundreds of extras willing to get naked.  Which they do.  CONSTANTLY.
Never before have I witnessed a network cable show unleash a constant windstorm of curse words, reference to genitals and sex, gory violence, and nudity in my lifetime.  In other words: IT IS AWESOME.

If you've ever wanted to know what Lucy Lawless, who played Xena: Warrior Princess and a very significant role in the latest Battlestar: Galactica series, looks like naked, look no further.  Because she does so.  A LOT.  The 12 year old boy in me is like Xena Warrior Princess naked? WHAT?!  And I'm all like, no dude, I'm serious.  Because I am.

But I'm not just watching the show because of the chicks.  The storyline is actually pretty intense.  There are all sorts of crazy plot twists (well there was like two).  These characters are vicious, vicious mean people, and will screw over anyone and hurt anyone to get what they want.  I mean there were moments where I was just like, WHOA! I can't believe that just happened.  But all of the slaves are all about honor.  Which is all they have.  So the rich people are evil and the slaves are the good guys and are fighting to get something they will probably never have.  It's a crazy power trade because Spartacus starts out in the Roman empire and then somehow winds up in the gladiator pit.  And has to fight his way to supreme badassery.  There's even a guy who doesn't need to be there but is using his winnings to settle his gambling debt so he can live with his wife and child.  I'm like, dude! Why are you here?  To show off your abs??

And for the ladies, pretty much every dude who isn't rich is totally ripped.  Like 300 style.  And no, it's not just the slave girls that disrobe, there is full frontal nudity from all sides of this shitshow.  There was one point where this rich evil lady was like I want to own a slave gladiator! And they lined a bunch of new recruits up and she's all like ooo I can't decide! And the dude from the mummy is like, let me help you make your decision, and the dudes all whip their junks out so she can decide! And in the same episode one of the main characters is carrying on a strategic conversation with someone while having sex with a slave girl in front of like twenty people!! I'm like this is on network television?! Or in my case, Netflix on Demand?! Como WHAT?!

And it doesn't stop there.  Half of the budget for this show must have been spent on fight coreography and CGI blood and gore effects.  Heads get cut off, intestines get spilled, people constantly get marred, and one time they crucified a guy and cut off his junk.  Are you SERIOUS?! How is this HAPPENING?! It was like, "you know what would make a great idea for a TV show?  Caligula.  Times 100."  And don't even get me started on the season finale.  WOOF.

This is the most graphic entertaining show I've seen probably ever, or at least one of the more entertaining.  There's so much shock value it's hard to look away.  They're apparently making a second season, but the guy playing Spartacus was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, so I'm not sure based on the trailer if he will be in it, especially since it looks like a prequel to Spartacus actually getting to the gladiator arena.  But one thing's for sure, there will probably be a whole lot of blood, and a whole lot of titties.

See also this hilarious blog:

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